

timestamp: BigNumber
submissionIndex: string
lps: WithIndexerEvent<{
    amountLpDecomposed: BigNumber;
    underlyingBalanceDelta: BigNumber;
}, IndexerEventBalanceStateSnapshot>[]

LPs are decomposed first

spot?: WithIndexerEvent<{
    amountLiquidated: BigNumber;
}, IndexerEventSpotStateSnapshot>

Either spot or perp will then be liquidated if the subaccount maint. health is below 0 Both spot & perp can be liquidated in the same event from a spread liquidation

perp?: WithIndexerEvent<{
    amountLiquidated: BigNumber;
}, IndexerEventPerpStateSnapshot>
quote: WithIndexerEvent<{
    balanceDelta: BigNumber;
}, IndexerEventSpotStateSnapshot>

Quote delta for the subaccount Only the SPOT QUOTE payment made for the liquidation. Does not include the perp vQuote balance change

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