List all subaccounts
Retrieve snapshots of multiple subaccounts at multiple points in time. Each snapshot is a view of the subaccount's balances at this point in time, with tracked variables for interest, funding, etc.
Retrieves estimated / past rewards for an address
Retrieves estimated / past taker trading + referral rewards for an address
Retrieves referral code for an address
Retrieves funding rate for a product, where 1 = 100%
Retrieves funding rate for multiple products, where 1 = 100%
Retrieves latest mark/index price for a perp product
Retrieves latest mark/index price for multiple perp products
Retrieves latest oracle prices for provided products
Retrieves candlesticks for a product
Retrieves candlesticks for a product from Edge
Retrieves historical snapshots for a product
Retrieves historical snapshots for multiple products
Retrieves historical events
Retrieves historical orders
Gets match order events, this will return the same events as the events query, but with additional information to identify the order that was matched
Retrieves historical funding & interest payments.
NOTE: limit
is an upperbound. If a user changes position size such that his position is 0 during each funding/interest tick,
then the indexer will return fewer than limit
results per page. However, all events are actually present,
we'll just need to keep paginating until the next cursor is null.
Gets quote (USDC) price in terms of USD
Fetches currently registered linked signer with the remaining txs allowed for the subaccount
Retrieve historical market snapshots
Retrieve historical market snapshots from Edge
Retrieve the merkle proofs & total amounts claimable for the address for all epochs
Retrieves estimated / past foundation taker rewards for an address Example of foundation taker rewards: ARB rewards on Arbitrum
Retrieve the merkle proofs & total amounts claimable for the address for all weeks
Retrieve Sonic Points of a subaccount
Retrieve blitz points for the address
Retrieve blast points for the address
Retrieve blitz points leaderboard
Retrieve status for initial claim process for Blitz
Retrieve maker statistics for a given epoch
Retrieve leaderboard stats for a given contest
Retrieve leaderboard ranking of a subaccount on a given contest
Attempts to update a user's registration to the provided contestId
. This requires signing.
Retrieves the registration status for a leaderboard participant for provided contestId
Retrieve metadata of provided leaderboard contests
Retrieve signature and tx to submit a fast withdrawal
Retrieves VRTX total / circulating supply
Base client for all indexer requests