Queries the engine, all query params are stringified into the query string
A simple, typechecked fn for constructing a query request in the format expected by the server.
POSTs an execute message to the engine and returns the successful response. Throws the failure response wrapped in an EngineServerFailureError on failure.
A simple, typechecked fn for constructing an execute request in the format expected by the server.
Signs a given request with the signer provided to the engine
Retrieves the set of contracts that the engine is interfacing with
Retrieves current engine status
Retrieves a subaccount summary reflective of the state within the offchain engine. This adheres to the same return interface as the contract version
Retrieves a list of isolated positions
Retrieves an estimated subaccount summary with the applied transactions
Retrieves symbols and product info
Retrieves all market states as per the offchain engine. Same return interface as contracts
Retrieves all markets by chain id.
Retrieves all health groups (linked spot & perp products) from the engine
Retrieves min deposit rates for all spot products from the engine
Retrieves an order from the offchain engine
Signs and validates with the engine that the order is valid to be submitted (i.e. does not violate health reqs)
Validates an existing signed order with the engine as a pre-check for health
Get all subaccount orders from the engine, per product ID
Get all subaccount orders from the engine, for multiple products
Gets maker & taker fee rates for order fees
Gets "price ticks" for a given market, useful for constructing liquidity levels at each price
Retrieves the latest price for a given market
Retrieves the latest prices for provided markets
Retrieves the estimated max order size for a product
Retrieves the estimated max withdrawal size for a product
Retrieves the estimated max base amount for minting LPs for a product
Gets the currently linked signer for the subaccount
Determines the IP block status for the current client
Sets the linked signer for execute requests