Retrieves all market states from the offchain engine
Get all edge engine markets
Retrieves all spread health groups
Queries engine to determine if the order can be submitted within health requirements
Queries the offchain engine to retrieve status of any open orders for the given subaccount
Queries the offchain engine to retrieve status of any open orders for the given subaccount for multiple products
Queries the offchain trigger service to list trigger orders. Requires a signature
Queries indexer to fetch historical orders
Queries engine to determine maximum order size
Queries engine to determine maximum base amount contribution for minting LPs
Retrieves liquidity per price tick from the engine. The engine will skip price levels that have no liquidity, so it is not guaranteed that the bids/asks are evenly spaced
Historical candlesticks from the indexer, use getLatestMarketPrice for the latest orderbook prices
Historical candlesticks from Edge, use getLatestMarketPrice for the latest orderbook prices
Retrieves the latest off-chain orderbook price from the engine
Retrieves the latest off-chain orderbook price from the engine for multiple markets
Retrieves the latest funding rate for a perp product
Retrieves the latest funding rate for multiple perp products
Retrieves the historical snapshots for a product from the indexer
Retrieves the historical snapshots for a market from the indexer
Retrieves the historical snapshots for a market from Edge
Retrieves the historical snapshots for multiple products from the indexer
Retrieves all market states from the on-chain contracts