Source code for vertex_protocol.utils.bytes32

import binascii
from typing import Optional, Union
from vertex_protocol.utils.subaccount import Subaccount, SubaccountParams

[docs]def hex_to_bytes32(input: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes: """Converts a hexadecimal string or bytes to a bytes object of length 32. Args: input (str | bytes): The hexadecimal string or bytes to be converted. Returns: bytes: The converted bytes object of length 32. """ return hex_to_bytes(input, 32)
[docs]def hex_to_bytes12(input: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes: """Converts a hexadecimal string or bytes to a bytes object of length 12. Args: input (str | bytes): The hexadecimal string or bytes to be converted. Returns: bytes: The converted bytes object of length 12. """ return hex_to_bytes(input, 12)
[docs]def hex_to_bytes(input: Union[str, bytes], size: int) -> bytes: """Converts a hexadecimal string or bytes to a bytes object of specified size. Args: input (str | bytes): The hexadecimal string or bytes to be converted. size (int): The specified size for the output bytes object. Returns: bytes: The converted bytes object of the specified size. """ if isinstance(input, bytes): return input if input.encode() == zero_subaccount(): return zero_subaccount() if input.startswith("0x"): input = input[2:] data_bytes = bytes.fromhex(input) padded_data = data_bytes + b"\x00" * (size - len(data_bytes)) return padded_data
[docs]def str_to_hex(input: str) -> str: """Converts a string to its hexadecimal representation. Args: input (str): The string to be converted. Returns: str: The hexadecimal representation of the input string. """ return binascii.hexlify(input.encode()).decode()
[docs]def subaccount_to_bytes32( subaccount: Subaccount, name: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None ) -> bytes: """Converts a subaccount representation to a bytes object of length 32. Args: subaccount (Subaccount): The subaccount, which can be a string, bytes, or SubaccountParams instance. name (str|bytes, optional): The subaccount name, when provided `subaccount` is expected to be the owner address. Returns: (bytes|SubaccountParams): The bytes object of length 32 representing the subaccount. Raises: ValueError: If the `subaccount` is a `SubaccountParams` instance and is missing either `subaccount_owner` or `subaccount_name` Note: If `name` is provided, `subaccount` must be the owner address, otherwise `subaccount` can be the bytes32 or hex representation of the subaccount or a SubaccountParams object. """ if isinstance(subaccount, str): if name is None: return hex_to_bytes32(subaccount) else: name = name.hex() if isinstance(name, bytes) else name return hex_to_bytes32(subaccount + str_to_hex(name)) elif isinstance(subaccount, SubaccountParams): subaccount_owner = subaccount.dict().get("subaccount_owner") subaccount_name = subaccount.dict().get("subaccount_name") if subaccount_owner is None or subaccount_name is None: raise ValueError("Missing `subaccount_owner` or `subaccount_name`") else: return hex_to_bytes32(subaccount_owner + str_to_hex(subaccount_name)) else: return subaccount
[docs]def subaccount_to_hex( subaccount: Subaccount, name: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None ) -> str: """Converts a subaccount representation to its hexadecimal representation. Args: subaccount (Subaccount): The subaccount, which can be a string, bytes, or SubaccountParams instance. name (str|bytes, optional): Additional string, if any, to be appended to the subaccount string before conversion. Defaults to None. Returns: (str|SubaccountParams): The hexadecimal representation of the subaccount. """ return bytes32_to_hex(subaccount_to_bytes32(subaccount, name))
[docs]def subaccount_name_to_bytes12(subaccount_name: str) -> bytes: """Converts a subaccount name to a bytes object of length 12. Args: subaccount_name (str): The subaccount name to be converted. Returns: bytes: A bytes object of length 12 representing the subaccount name. """ return hex_to_bytes12(str_to_hex(subaccount_name))
[docs]def bytes32_to_hex(bytes32: bytes) -> str: """Converts a bytes object of length 32 to its hexadecimal representation. Args: bytes32 (bytes): The bytes object of length 32 to be converted. Returns: str: The hexadecimal representation of the input bytes object. If the input is not a bytes object, the function returns the input itself. """ if isinstance(bytes32, bytes): return f"0x{bytes32.hex()}" else: return bytes32
[docs]def zero_subaccount() -> bytes: """Generates a bytes object of length 32 filled with zero bytes. Returns: bytes: A bytes object of length 32 filled with zero bytes. """ return b"\x00" * 32
[docs]def zero_address() -> bytes: """Generates a bytes object of length 20 filled with zero bytes. Returns: bytes: A bytes object of length 20 filled with zero bytes. """ return b"\x00" * 20