User guides
Signing is handled internally when you instantiate the VertexClient (vertex_protocol.client.VertexClient
) with a signer. Alternatively,
you can construct the requisite signatures for each execute using a set utils provided by the SDK (see vertex_protocol.contracts.eip712
for details).
Check out our docs to learn more about signing requests in Vertex.
Vertex executes are signed using EIP-712 signatures. The following components are needed:
types: The solidity object name and field types of the message being signed.
primaryType: The name of the solidity object being signed.
domain: A protocol-specific object that includes the verifying contract and chain-id of the network.
message: The actual message being signed.
You can build the expected EIP-712 typed data for each execute via vertex_protocol.contracts.eip712.build_eip712_typed_data()
>>> import time
>>> from vertex_protocol.contracts.types import VertexExecuteType
>>> from vertex_protocol.engine_client.types import OrderParams, SubaccountParams
>>> from vertex_protocol.utils import subaccount_to_bytes32, to_x18, to_pow_10, get_expiration_timestamp, gen_order_nonce, OrderType
>>> from vertex_protocol.contracts.eip712 import build_eip712_typed_data
>>> verifying_contract = "0x2279B7A0a67DB372996a5FaB50D91eAA73d2eBe6"
>>> chain_id = 421613
>>> sender = SubaccountParams(subaccount_owner="0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", subaccount_name="default")
>>> order_nonce = gen_order_nonce()
>>> order_expiration = get_expiration_timestamp(OrderType.DEFAULT, int(time.time()) + 40)
>>> order = OrderParams(amount=to_x18(20000), priceX18=to_pow_10(1, 17), expiration=order_expiration, nonce=order_nonce, sender=sender)
>>> order_typed_data = build_eip712_typed_data(VertexExecuteType.PLACE_ORDER, order.dict(), verifying_contract, chain_id)
The following object is generated and can be signed via vertex_protocol.contracts.eip712.sign_eip712_typed_data()
'types': {
'EIP712Domain': [
{'name': 'name', 'type': 'string'},
{'name': 'version', 'type': 'string'},
{'name': 'chainId', 'type': 'uint256'},
{'name': 'verifyingContract', 'type': 'address'}
'Order': [
{'name': 'sender', 'type': 'bytes32'},
{'name': 'priceX18', 'type': 'int128'},
{'name': 'amount', 'type': 'int128'},
{'name': 'expiration', 'type': 'uint64'},
{'name': 'nonce', 'type': 'uint64'}
'primaryType': 'Order',
'domain': {
'name': 'Vertex',
'version': '0.0.1',
'chainId': 421613,
'verifyingContract': '0x2279B7A0a67DB372996a5FaB50D91eAA73d2eBe6'
'message': {
'sender': b'\xf3\x9f\xd6\xe5\x1a\xad\x88\xf6\xf4\xcej\xb8\x82ry\xcf\xff\xb9"fdefault\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00',
'nonce': 1768628938411606731,
'priceX18': 100000000000000000,
'amount': 20000000000000000000000,
'expiration': 1686695965
You can retrieve the verifying contracts using
. Provided via client.context.engine_client.get_contracts() on a VertexClient instance.You can also just use the engine client’s sign utility
. Provided via client.context.engine_client.sign() on a VertexClient instance.