from typing import Optional
from pydantic import AnyUrl, Field
from vertex_protocol.utils.enum import StrEnum
from vertex_protocol.utils.model import VertexBaseModel
[docs]class VertexNetwork(StrEnum):
Enumeration representing various network environments for the Vertex protocol.
ARBITRUM_ONE = "arbitrumOne"
BLAST_MAINNET = "blastMainnet"
MANTLE_MAINNET = "mantleMainnet"
SEI_MAINNET = "seiMainnet"
BASE_MAINNET = "baseMainnet"
SONIC_MAINNET = "sonicMainnet"
ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA = "arbitrumSepolia"
BLAST_TESTNET = "blastTestnet"
MANTLE_TESTNET = "mantleTestnet"
SEI_TESTNET = "seiTestnet"
BASE_TESTNET = "baseTestnet"
SONIC_TESTNET = "sonicTestnet"
HARDHAT = "localhost"
TESTING = "test"
[docs]class VertexAbiName(StrEnum):
Enumeration representing various contract names for which the ABI can be loaded in the Vertex protocol.
ENDPOINT = "Endpoint"
FQUERIER = "FQuerier"
ICLEARINGHOUSE = "IClearinghouse"
IENDPOINT = "IEndpoint"
IOFFCHAIN_BOOK = "IOffchainBook"
IPERP_ENGINE = "IPerpEngine"
ISPOT_ENGINE = "ISpotEngine"
MOCK_ERC20 = "MockERC20"
ISTAKING = "IStaking"
IVRTX_AIRDROP = "IVrtxAirdrop"
[docs]class VertexDeployment(VertexBaseModel):
Class representing deployment data for Vertex protocol contracts.
node_url (AnyUrl): The URL of the node.
quote_addr (str): The address of the quote contract.
querier_addr (str): The address of the querier contract.
clearinghouse_addr (str): The address of the clearinghouse contract.
endpoint_addr (str): The address of the endpoint contract.
spot_engine_addr (str): The address of the spot engine contract.
perp_engine_addr (str): The address of the perpetual engine contract.
vrtx_airdrop_addr (str): The address of the VRTX airdrop contract.
vrtx_staking_addr (str): The address of the VRTX staking contract.
foundation_rewards_airdrop_addr (str): The address of Foundation Rewards airdrop contract for the corresponding chain (e.g: Arb airdrop for Arbitrum).
node_url: AnyUrl = Field(alias="publicNodeUrl")
quote_addr: str = Field(alias="quote")
querier_addr: str = Field(alias="querier")
clearinghouse_addr: str = Field(alias="clearinghouse")
endpoint_addr: str = Field(alias="endpoint")
spot_engine_addr: str = Field(alias="spotEngine")
perp_engine_addr: str = Field(alias="perpEngine")
vrtx_airdrop_addr: str = Field(alias="vrtxAirdrop")
vrtx_staking_addr: str = Field(alias="vrtxStaking")
foundation_rewards_airdrop_addr: str = Field(alias="foundationRewardsAirdrop")
[docs]class DepositCollateralParams(VertexBaseModel):
Class representing parameters for depositing collateral in the Vertex protocol.
subaccount_name (str): The name of the subaccount.
product_id (int): The ID of the spot product to deposit collateral for.
amount (int): The amount of collateral to be deposited.
referral_code (Optional[str]): Use this to indicate you were referred by existing member.
subaccount_name: str
product_id: int
amount: int
referral_code: Optional[str]
class ClaimVrtxParams(VertexBaseModel):
epoch: int
amount: Optional[int]
claim_all: Optional[bool]
class ClaimVrtxContractParams(VertexBaseModel):
epoch: int
amount_to_claim: int
total_claimable_amount: int
merkle_proof: list[str]
class ClaimFoundationRewardsProofStruct(VertexBaseModel):
totalAmount: int
week: int
proof: list[str]
class ClaimFoundationRewardsContractParams(VertexBaseModel):
claim_proofs: list[ClaimFoundationRewardsProofStruct]
[docs]class VertexExecuteType(StrEnum):
Enumeration of possible actions to execute in Vertex.
PLACE_ORDER = "place_order"
CANCEL_ORDERS = "cancel_orders"
CANCEL_PRODUCT_ORDERS = "cancel_product_orders"
CANCEL_AND_PLACE = "cancel_and_place"
WITHDRAW_COLLATERAL = "withdraw_collateral"
LIQUIDATE_SUBACCOUNT = "liquidate_subaccount"
MINT_LP = "mint_lp"
BURN_LP = "burn_lp"
LINK_SIGNER = "link_signer"
VertexTxType = StrEnum(
name: member.value for name, member in VertexExecuteType.__members__.items()
**{"AUTHENTICATE_STREAM": "authenticate"},
**{"LIST_TRIGGER_ORDERS": "list_trigger_orders"},
) # type: ignore